A friend once said when we were packing her house to move, "Oh, just throw it away. We don't need to bother packing that." I forget exactly what it was she didn't want anymore but I do remember what our other friend said in response. "There's no such thing as 'away.' When you 'throw something away' it has to go somewhere and that's usually a landfill."
A big part of why I worked at A Gift For Teaching was not just the educational factor but the environmental factor as well. I LOVE that they turn someone's misprints, leftovers, and surplus into valuable tools for classrooms. I've always said it's the best kind of recycling because it gives the "stuff" not only a new purpose but a higher purpose.
Now, I'm not giving my OCD/craft hoarding tendencies the same weight as A Gift For Teaching BUT I do love it when I can use odds and ends to make something new without having to throw them "away." The two latest Sew Sew creations are my Resourceful Rosettes and my "That Felt Nice" Tree Garland. Both will be sold in my Sew Sew Etsy shop starting next week!
TheSuburbanMom A beautiful sentiment that creates beautiful results.